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Friday, June 15, 2012

Holo Launcher Rules!

Holo Launcher Rules!

So, I'm really bored at work and haven't had the time to play with different launchers for my Android phone. Sprint has not yet rolled out Ice Cream Sandwich to me (and has been saying "soon" for months), and I like the way the ICS stock launcher looks. I ran across a launcher called Holo Launcher the other day on Lifehacker and had bookmarked it.
It's supposed to be a pretty good knock-off of the ICS launcher. This morning, since I had so much free time, I installed it onto my phone. It took me about an hour to create new shortcuts (I couldn't find a good way to move things between the two launchers), but along the way I found a couple other great apps I had to have. SiMi Folders lets you create scrollable folder widgets, and Home Switcher allows you to easily switch between different launchers.
I'll tell you that I absolutely LOVE this launcher. Some of the modifications I made:

  • Increased my icon density from 4x4 to 5x5 - more shortcuts, yay!
  • Created gestures: swiping up starts the phone app, and swiping down starts Handcent SMS so I can text
  • Populated the dock: my dock is now scrollable, which is awesome.
  • I also modified my home button, so that if I'm already at the home screen it starts my task manager.

With more room for my app icons, I can now start to play with some more of my apps. If I don't have an icon, I tend to forget that they're present and that I need to try them out. Now, when I'm bored and flip my phone on, I'll see them. I really want to get used to using voice commands with my phone, and also I want to try taking pictures of documents and converting them to PDF.

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