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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Calling Veeam jobs via a Powershell script

So I've been playing with using Veeam via Powershell. Well, I've only tried one thing, but I have it working now. I needed a Powershell script that would run different actions for different days. This Powershell script would be called at the end of my Veeam Daily backup job which starts every day at 5:30. I'm doing reverse incremental backups, so the end time of my job can fluctuate, and I needed something that would take a diffferent action based on the day of the week.
First, I created a scheduled task to run a simple Powershell script that wrote the day of the week to a text file, like so:

$DayOfWeek = ((get-date).dayofweek)
$DayOfWeek | out-string | out-file c:\temp\VeeamDayOfWeek.txt

This job is scheduled to run every day at 5pm. My backup job starts at 5:30. When my backup job completes, it then runs powershell.exe -File c:\PS\VeeamJobEnd.ps1.

Add-PsSnapIn VeeamPSSnapIn
$DayOfWeek = (Get-content c:\temp\VeeamDay.txt)
If ( ($DayOfWeek -like "*Monday*") -or ($DayOfWeek -like "*Tuesday*") -or ($DayOfWeek -like "*Wednesday*") -or ($DayOfWeek -like "*Thursday*") ){
start-process "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\bemcmd.exe" -ArgumentList "-o1 -jBEJob-BackupToTape-Diffs"
If (($DayOfWeek -like "*Friday*")){
Get-VBRJob | where {$_.Name -like "Weekly*"} | Start-VBRJob

It was a bit tricky to get the Veeam SnapIn name. All of Veeam's documentation tells you to run the Powershell console from within the Veeam GUI. That's no good for automation!!! I then remembered using Get-Module (to find modules registered with powershell that reside on a system), and its counterpart Get-PSSnapIn. Sure enough, the name came up in my list of snapins. Then, I use Get-Content to read the day of the week from the text file that run previously. If you're wondering why I just don't calculate it within this file, keep in mind that the Veeam job that finishes may get done at 11:30pm, or it may get done at 5:30am (the next day). Since there's variance between what day of the week it might be when the job finishes, I thought this was the best approach. Then we go with the IF statements: if it's M-Th, then I'm telling Backup Exec to start a job. If it's Friday, then I use the Veeam SnapIn to get my weekly backup job and start it. This was a pretty counterintuitive thing to work out: I'm speaking about this line:

Get-VBRJob | where {$_.Name -like "Weekly*"} | Start-VBRJob

The name of my Veeam backup job is "Weekly Backup", so I thought I could just do Get-VBRJob "Weekly Backup", but it didn't like that at all. So, I performed a Get-VBRJob | Get-Member to see what other properties I could use. Nothing worked, so off to Google I went, and found this method. It works!


  1. Hello,
    I;m doing the same things but not that much complex the same way how you do it.

    How can I run the PS1 script using the Veeam SnapIn?
    I've created a script and name it the same as the Backup Job name, but when I put it into the Schedule Task in Windows, it doesn't start...

    Any idea?

  2. If I'm parsing that right, you are creating a scheduled task to start a Veeam Backup job (or run any of Veeam's Powershell commands). At the very beginning of that script, you need to put in

    Add-PsSnapIn VeeamPSSnapIn

    This loads the Veeam Snap-in and allows you to run the Veeam Powershell commands.

  3. Can this be used with the free version of Veeam Backup?

  4. If the free version comes with the Veeam Powershell module, then yes.
