################ BEGIN SCRIPT ################
#Example: Get-ChromeExtensions -Computername $Computername -Username $Username
#Define the function with computername and username
function Get-ChromeExtensions {
)#End Param
#Get Webpage Title
#I ripped off this function from https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/e76a4213-cd05-4735-bf80-d5903171ae11 -Thanks Mike Pfeiffer!
Function Get-Title {
param([string] $url)
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$data = $wc.downloadstring($url)
$title = [regex] '(?<=<title>)([\S\s]*?)(?=</title>)'
write-output $title.Match($data).value.trim()
} #End Function Get-Title
#Build the path to the remote Chrome Extension folder
$GoogleExtensionPath = "\\" + $ComputerName + "\C$\Users\" + $Username + "\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions"
#Check that the computer is reachable
If ((Test-Connection $Computername -Quiet -Count 1) -eq $False){
Write-Host -foregroundcolor Red "$ComputerName is not online"
} #End If
#Check that the path exists
If ((Test-Path $GoogleExtensionPath) -eq $False){
Write-Host -foregroundcolor Red "Path not Found: $GoogleExtensionPath"
Write-Host -foregroundcolor Red "Chrome is probably not installed OR the username has no profile/is wrong"
} #End If
#Get the foldernames, which are the Google Play Store ID #s
$ExtensionIDNumbers = Get-Childitem $GoogleExtensionPath *. | select name
#Build a name for the output file
$OutputFileName = "C:\Temp\GoogleExtensionList_" + $Computername + "_" + $Username + ".csv"
#Create an array
$GoogleExtensionsArray = @()
#Cycle through each Google ID, and look up the Google Play Store Title, which is the extension name
Foreach ($GoogleID in $ExtensionIDNumbers){
$GoogleExtensionsArrayItem = New-Object system.object
$ExtensionSite = "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock-plus/" + $GoogleID.Name
$Title = ((Get-Title $ExtensionSite).split("-"))[0]
$GoogleExtensionsArrayItem | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AppName -Value $Title
$GoogleExtensionsArrayItem | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExtensionID -Value ($GoogleID.Name)
$GoogleExtensionsArray += $GoogleExtensionsArrayItem
} #End Foreach
#Export the list of extensions
$GoogleExtensionsArray | export-csv $OutputFileName -NoTypeInformation
################ END SCRIPT ################
What struck me is that we really need to think of the Chrome browser as almost its own OS. You've removed the ability for your users to install applications on their computer (they don't have local admin privs, right?), but what's to stop them from installing Chrome Extensions. Solitaire and Minesweeper are bad, but Bejeweled is ok?
Wow this is great! Amazing time saving tool!
ReplyDeleteAt first I thought it didn't work because I got some errors. It looks like installed extensions that were removed from the Chrome Web Store will throw a 404 error in the Get-Title function. Maybe add a try/catch for that?
Thanks so much for posting this.
This is awesome. Would it be difficult to get all installed extensions for all users?
ReplyDeletewas there any solution for this?