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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Get a List of All Files with a Certain Extension

It happens sometimes that I need to find all files with a certain extension on a given drive. I accomplish this in a more automated way through Microsoft's File Server Resource Manager (FSRM), These cases include reporting on ISO, MP3, and video files that I don't really want cluttering up my file servers. Occasionally however, I just want a list of Access database files, or something. The outlier cases. For that, I have this little script:


#This script prompts for a file extension and a root path, then searches recursively within that path for that extension and sends you a report of all the files.

#Get Hostname
$Hostname = ($env:computername)

#Prompt for file extension to search for
$ext = Read-host "File Extension (do not enter a period)"
$ext = $ext.ToUpper()

#Create Temp File Location
$TempFile = "C:\Temp\FileQuery $ext.csv"

#Get Root Path to search in
$PathToSearch = Read-Host "Path to search (i.e. P:\)"

#Get your email address
$EmailAddress = Read-Host "Your email address (to send the report to)"

#Conduct search, export to CSV (Temp File)
get-childitem -Path $PathToSearch -Filter *.$ext -recurse | select name, Length, DirectoryName | export-csv -NoTypeInformation $TempFile

#Send CSV via email
Send-Mailmessage -to $EmailAddress -from -smtpserver -Subject "$Ext Files on $Hostname in $PathToSearch" -Body "See Attached" -attachments $TempFile

#Delete the Temp File
remove-item $Tempfile


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