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Friday, August 22, 2014

Get Internet Explorer Versions from a List of Computers

If you haven't been following the tech news, last week Microsoft announced that they were revicing which versions of Internet Explorer that they would support on different Operating Systems. You can find the original article with a list of what's what here. Having just completed testing for IE10, I have a lot of work to do this next year, as the new policy goes into effect on 1/12/2016. I don't have many internal websites to worry about, but the Finance departments reliance on stupid banks that seem incapable of being current is making things difficult. I'm hoping that Internet Explorer Enterprise mode will help me out, but I haven't had the time to really delve into it yet.

I track my client computers' software inventories in Spiceworks, and it was easy enough to get a report from Spiceworks showing who had what, but I don't track my servers in Spiceworks. For that, I needed a script to go through a list of my servers and tell me what version of IE they were running. I found a couple of script online, but they weren't to my liking. Some gave me inaccurate info, even. But they did point me to which registry tree I should look at, so I made my own, and here it is:

#=====================BEGIN SCRIPT==========================
$Computers = Get-content "C:\Temp\QueryInternetExplorerVersionsComputerList.txt"
$TempFile = "C:\Temp\IEVersion.csv"
$Delimiter = ","

Foreach ($Computer in $Computers){
$Version = (Invoke-Command -computername $Computer {$reg = Get-Item ('HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer'); $reg.GetValue("svcVersion")})
$Computer + $Delimiter + $Version + $Delimiter | add-content $Tempfile

#=====================END SCRIPT==========================

  1. So, what we're doing here is as follows:
  2. Get the list of computers from a text file
  3. Specify a TempFile for output
  4. Specify a delimiter
  5. For each computer in the list, pull the SrcVersion value from the registry
  6. Combine the Computername and SrcVersion, along with use of the delimiters to make a CSV file, which I can then import into Excel.
  7. .....
  8. Profit!

Good luck and Godspeed, my fellow admins!

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