It's Friday for me, so here's something a little off-beat!
A few months ago my Padowan and I were sitting around and I was showing him some intro to Powershell type things. It occurred to me that it might be funny to write a script that would randomly kill processes on a user's machine.
DISCLAIMER: Using this tool could result in the loss or corruption of data since you aren't closing files properly. I haven't ever used this on an end-user, and you shouldn't either. It's mean. Also, this isn't the cleanest code possible. It was for fun!
#--------------------- BEGIN SCRIPT -------------------------
#Get the target computer name
$cpname = read-host "Enter the computer name"
#Get a list of running processes from the target system.
#This was refined so that I wouldn't kill system processes
do {
$Processes = get-process -computername $cpname | where {$_.ProcessName -ne "svchost" -and $_.ProcessName -ne "winlogon" -and $_.ProcessName -ne "wininit" -and $_.ProcessName -ne "wmiprvse" -and $_.ProcessName -ne "system" -and `
$_.ProcessName -ne "spoolsv" -and $_.ProcessName -ne "lsass" -and $_.ProcessName -ne "csrss" -and $_.ProcessName -ne "conhost" -and $_.ProcessName -ne "smss" -and $_.ProcessName -ne "services" -and $_.ProcessName -ne "idle"}
#Spit out a list of processes
$Processes | select id, processname | ft -autosize
#Prompt for a course of action. At this point the script isn't entirely without merit. I could use it to kill a stuck process on a user's system.
$Choice = Read-Host "Enter Process Number to kill, R for Random, or Q to quit"
#Kill a random process
If ($Choice -like "R"){
$RandProc = $Processes | get-random
get-wmiobject -computername $cpname win32_process | where-object {$_.handle -eq $RandProc.ID} | foreach-object {$_.terminate()}
$ProcessKilled = $RandProc.Processname + " has been killed"
Write-Host $ProcessKilled
} #End If
#Quit Choice
If ($Choice -like "Q"){
} #End If
#If you chose a specific process number to kill
If ($Choice -gt 0){
$Result = get-wmiobject -computername $cpname win32_process | where-object {$_.handle -eq $Choice}
$Result | foreach-object {$_.terminate()}
$ProcessKilled = $Result.Processname + " has been killed"
Write-Host $ProcessKilled
} #End If
$answer = read-host "Press 1 to kill another process, or q to quit"
while ($answer -eq 1)
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