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Friday, August 23, 2013

Daily Comprehensive DCDIAG on my Main Domain Controller

This script had interest from an enterprising gent on a previous blog post that outlined what kind of tasks I've automated and reporting I gather from my environment.

Every morning at 6AM, my primary domain controller runs a comprehensive DCDIAG, and sends it to me. I use select-string to search the results of the DCDIAG output for the string "Failed". It's not foolproof; sometimes I do get failure emails (most of the time it's laggy replication caused by Veeam taking a backup snapshot). But I'd rather have advanced warning that something might be wrong with the most important thing in my environment: Active Directory.

As has become my custom, the comments do the talking from here on out.

#Specify some variables: the output file, what I'll search for, and email settings.
$TempFile = "C:\Temp\DCDiag_Temp.txt"
$SearchText = "Failed"
$SMTP = ""
$To = ""
$From = ""

#Run the DCDIAG with the following switches: Comprehensive, Enterprise (runs against all DCs)
#and verbose, outputting to file
DCDiag /c /e /v > $TempFile

#Read the File
$DCDiag = (Get-Content $TempFile)

#Look for the string, and count how many time it appears, then convert it to a string
#Then take out some newline characters
$FailCount = (($DCDiag | select-string -simple $SearchText | measure-object).count | out-string)
$FailCountString = ($FailCount | out-string)
$FailCountString = ($FailCountString.replace("`r`n",""))

#Format the email, placing a count of the term "Failed" in the subject
$Subject = "PS Report - DCDiag Error Report - $FailCountString Errors"
$Body = "$FailCountString Errors"

#Send me an email
Send-Mailmessage -from $From -to $To -subject $Subject -smtpserver $SMTP -body $Body -Attachments $TempFile

#Delete the temp file
Remove-Item $TempFile

Normally, I only send the email if there's something to report, but I send this one every day for two reasons. One, I like knowing that it's running, and two, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling seeing that AD is healthy (almost) every morning.


  1. I found this powershell script the other day:

    It's stupid simple, but it's actually quite useful, IMO. It's triggered to gather info and email someone on a certain security event (event id#: 4740 - AD account locked out).
