The way the script works, is that you feed it a list of computers, and it goes through trying to ping them. If the ping is successful, it send me an email, then removes that system from the list. The script keeps running until the amount of systems in the list reaches 0.
########################### BEGIN SCRIPT ###########################
$ComputerListPath = "C:\Temp\NeverendingPingList.txt"
$To = ""
$From = ""
$Body = "Responding to pings!"
$SMTPServer = ""
#Get Computer List
$Computers = Get-Content $ComputerListPath
#Count the number of computers
$Count = ($Computers | Measure-Object).count
If ($Count -le 0)
Write-Host "No computers to ping, exiting"
#Create a "matchlist" - if a computer responds, it is added to this list, then when the script iterates through the foreach loop, it skips the computers that exist in this list
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Matchlist = @()
#Clear the screen
#For each computer in the list, ping it, while the count is greater than 0
foreach ($Computer in $Computers)
#If the computer matches a member of the matchlist, skip to the next iteration of the foreach loop
If ($Matchlist -contains $Computer) { Continue }
#Test the connection to the computer, using 1 ping packet
$Result = (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer -Count 1 -Quiet)
#If no ping response, write to host
If ($Result -eq $false) { Write-Host "No ping received from $Computer - will pass again" }
#If it responds, email me AND remove it from the list of computers, then recount computers
If ($Result -eq $true)
$Subject = "$Computer is on the network!!!"
Send-MailMessage -To $To -From $From -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -Body $Body -Subject $Subject
} #End If
} #End Foreach
Write-Host "`r`n========================================================`r`n========================================================`r`n"
#Sleep for 30 seconds
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
} while ($Count -gt 0)
########################### END SCRIPT ###########################